
Image7I am Chez of chezzdesign.com, my Etsy and Online Store.

This blog isn’t to plug my sales, but my store is there (when I get it up and running) if you like to shop for artisan decor, jewelry and handy things.
And that’s what I do. DIY projects, home improvement, decorate, upcycle, plus make art to wear, use, decorate with and just enjoy. I’ll get more into the UpCycle part later.

I am also disabled in that I have Rheumatoid Autoimmune Disease (aka Rheumatoid Arthritis, but most advocacy is trying to lose the arthritis part because it’s just one symptom and that symptom is so far from, say, osteoarthritis in your knee, it’s like a grape to a watermelon)… anyhooo, it’s another thing I’ll expand on more in the Challenge Help section, but it’s relevant to this blog because it’s substantially harder for me to do things now, than when I didn’t have it, so I’m going to give tips, hints, hacks, work-arounds and modifications to jobs and tools whenever possible.

As my side-kick Husband (who shall be known as Mr Stud in posts), often says “EVERYONE wants a short cut or easier way” .. so we agree as long as it’s not a shoddy short cut and not something we didn’t test or use, you’ll get informed about it to help you either as a physically challenged person or just the average person who is interested in an easier, more organized way.


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  1. Pingback: Shallow Built In for Bathroom | Glam UpCycle

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